Friday, June 18, 2010

Writing the Past...

Hello World!

It's me again, Sammy P. Back at you after a 4 month hiatus from the world of blogging.

It's funny how sometimes no matter how much you enjoy something, and no matter how good your intentions are of doing it, you somehow still find yourself one third of a year behind in your blog, even when you have experienced so many blog-worthy experiences.

And by "you" I actually mean me.

But one cool thing about writing a blog is that I can write whatever I want whenever I want... including the date. In other words, I can still write about all my adventures since February and just backdate the entry, and it's as if I had actually posted it months ago!

So in the end, I never actually got behind on my blog at all. When historians are analyzing the Chronicals of Sam centuries from now, they will never know that the dozen or so entries before this one were actually posted after it. Take that, history!

p.s. If you are a historian reading my blog centuries from now... please disregard this post. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well... it's official. Last night I just found out that I've been accepted into the BYU School of Accountancy.

I don't really know what to say or think. I guess an accounting degree is what I've decided to do with my life though.

Honestly, thinking back, I have never had a real "when I grow up I want to..." dream. I love life and I love most everything I do. I have always enjoyed school and tried to work hard and learn in every class I have taken. I love music and playing in the symphony, but I've always seen that as more of a great hobby and talent on the side. Math and science were always strong subjects for me, but as I thought harder about an engineering degree, it just didn't seem right. I'm not exactly sure who the first one was to suggest accounting, but I do remember the four words that immediately crossed my mind...

What? Why? No. Boring.

I'm sure that's the way most people feel about the subject. Yet somehow here I am on the path to making a career out of it.

I've always been good with numbers and had a penny-pincher mentality, so I feel like it's a good fit for me. I enjoyed the pre-req classes too. But honestly, I've barely scratched the surface of learning what exactly accountants even do. I guess I'll learn soon enough though. :)

Wish me luck these next few years. If you need me, I'll be in the Tanner building.